Saturday, May 19, 2007

A dice with two sides

Alright, with almost all the weapons covered and my computer destroyed so I can't experiment any further, I'm going to move on with another player type- one that we all hate for the instant shock they gave us whenever we turn a corner. Yes, I'm going to talk about Shotgunners today. I'm going to teach you how to turn their own blasters against them. Although somewhat rare in Counterstrike, they still presented a great risk, especially in tight areas, and as they are rare, few people specialize in dealing with them. To face one head-on, especially one with high-end accuracy, would be a gamble, like rolling a dice with only two sides, one representing life and the other death.

Regrettably, as my computer has broken down, crippling me to the point of inactivity, I'm not able to take a good photo of a Shotgunner. But I'm sure it would be easy to envision one. Just put the shotgun image I have in the guns menu in the hands of a player model and there you have it.

So, the first thing I'm going to touch on would be the general behavior of these shockers first. First, their weapon preference is pretty straightforward and predictable. Most would go for the m3 Super 90, a pump action shotgun, because:

1) It has higher firepower. A point-blank shot could do 90+ damage to an armored target if it is aimed at the chest. Any pellet that hits the head would guarantee a one-shot kill.

2) It is highly effective against unarmored targets. Even a medium-range blast could kill an unarmored target.

3) It is very easy to direct and aim. With the low rate of fire due to the pumping action required, the recoil would not affect the accuracy of each shot at all.

4) And lastly, the m3 Super 90 has arguably the most consistent accuracy in the world of CSS. No matter what you do, be it jumping or running, the pellets would still go in the general direction of where you're pointing your gun at. The only thing deciding whether the victim lives or die is the accuracy of the shotgunner.

Shotgunners are very unpredictable, depending on the accuracy of the user. If they are inaccurate and unsteady, then even at close range they are not much of a threat. But before you know it, you would be dead the second you meet one. Below this paragraph is the knowledge you need to increase your chances in the edge of chaos, so that you won't lose a $5000 machine gun just because a guy with a $1700 shotgun decided to meet you for a duel.

Offensive Shotgunners

Anyone who is offensive would not be keen to stay put and wait for their prey to come into their hunting zone. They seek what they want. But as a result, they may get more than what they bargained for- provided that you know what you're doing.

The shotgun is a weapon designed for short-range combat, and is less effective at range. Use this to your advantage. Do not fight them in a tight area, or a narrow alley. Strike when you're far out in the open. The spread of their shotgun pellets would also mean less damage done to you. Crouch to reduce your chances of getting hit. For as long as you are holding a rifle, sniper rifle or machine gun, it would end quickly. But if you are holding an SMG or only a pistol, the Shotgunner would escape. Anyone with a lump of brain would know that you'll be in a major disadvantage if your gun doesn't shoot straight at far range. If possible, seek cover, as it decreases your chance of getting hit more so than against other forms of firearms.

Sometimes, during an event of a long-range skirmish, a shotgunner would switch to his sidearm, which would increase the risk of death in your part. Respond by moving instead of lying prone on the ground, as stay immobile would render you vulnerable to pistol bullets, which are straight to the point, sometimes with the end point at your forehead.

Defensive Shotgunners

Defensive Shotgunners are much more trickier to dispose of, as their barricaded position would mean that they are harder to kill. But fear not, for their weapon is also infamous for their slow rate of fire. The mathematics would be simple- less shells discharged = less chance of successful hits. Combine this with a flashbang and it would almost be impossible for them to hit you.

The main idea is to blind them, then come from the area they are guarding, but you must make doubly sure that your flashbang got them. They could be hiding behind a crate or wall, and this would mean a flashbang would have no effect, so you must exercise caution. Throw in a second one behind their cover if you know your first one missed.

Alternatively, you could take alternative routes, places where there are more cover for you to hide behind. Shotgun pellets cannot penetrate walls and objects. Use this to your advantage. Also, if there are any doors or entry points far from their hiding spot, take it- as it would render their shotgun less effective. Note however, that you must get behind cover quickly after entering their hunting zone before they switch to their pistol and take you out.

Common Tactics

So in other words, you need to exploit the many weaknesses of their weapon. As the shotgun is not known for their versatility, it would be difficult for them to react to a battle with no advantages to their side. Below are some tactics to scrape off both the offensive and defensive Shotgunners off your boots:

1) Use flashbangs at tight areas. As the shotgun has a slow rate of fire, their chances of hitting you while blind would decrease, and your chances of success would increase by a skyscraper.

2) If it is possible, engage them from behind cover- Shotgun pellets cannot penetrate objects and walls, so your chances of getting hit would be minimized greatly. The main reason is to take advantage of the spread of their pellets. If you combine this tactic with engaging them from afar, you would be almost invincible against a shotgunner.

3) If you have no choice but to engage one at near-range open combat, fire at full automatic to dish out as much damage as possible to decrease his chance for a second shot. Any one successful shotgun blast would either decrease your lifespan by almost a lifetime, or kill you.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The One

Damn, sorry guys for the late entry. My computer monitor broke down, and I can't work without looking. But, here it is, so enjoy.

Today, I will review to you the secrets of my knowledge, of the final type of assault rifle I use. From this article, I hope that you could catch the essence of what I pass on. Today, I shall unveil the M4A1 Carbine, one of the three deadly rifles (The other two are the AK47 and the AWP rifles). To master the M4A1 Carbine would make you highly versatile, as the weapon itself is versatile, at least more so than most of the other rival rifles. The gun has a rough balance of each factor, making it all around useful, at point blank to far range. A standard issue of the gun should look something like this, something of a modern design:

Finally adopted in the 90s as a standard replacement of the US army for the M16 family, the M4A1 is a devastating weapon designed to pierce body armor from afar, while at the same time, designed to be light and automatic like its predecessor. These characteristics are reflected in the streets of counter-strike, all broken down below for you to read at your pleasure... and learn its secret. Read on, if you want to succeed.

Firepower: Designed to penetrate armor, the M4A1 has a significant damage range from around 23-28, though its firepower is nothing compared to its Terrorist counterpart, the AK47, which could do up to 30+ damage per bullet. As a result, about 4 to 5 bullets from the gun would have been enough. Due to its damage range, it was never uncommon for players to survive after a heated firefight with an M4A1 wielding foe with less than 8 hitpoints, leaving them highly vulnerable, even to a shot from a syringe. However, due to the damage level, the M4A1 would not be able to kill with a single shot to the head, but would drastically shorten the lifespan of the guy below the barrel, again leaving him vulnerable to any form of weaponry. The damage range, from my experience, and the experience of many other players, would be reduced if you put on a silencer with the right mouse button.

Accuracy: Making up for its second-place firepower relative to the AK47, the M4A1 is much more accurate than the AK47, in any mode due to its reduced recoil. However, at far range, you should still fire in singles or doubles. For point-blank to medium-far range, feel free to fire in any mode save for automatic at the longer ranges. From my experience, putting on the silencer would reduce the accuracy, making sure that you fire from one to three bullets at far and very far ranges, and reducing the accuracy of your extended bursts somewhat.

Range: Due to its overall great accuracy, the M4A1 is fit at any range. Nothing much could be said, just make sure, however, not to go against a sniper in the open with this gun. A sniper rifle is better in accuracy, but also dependent on the user. To pin a sniper down, make sure to find a cover for yourself.

Clip Size: A standard black banana magazine includes 30 stinging 5.56mm bullets. Take care not to fire in auto mode for too many times. Restrict yourself to 8-10 bullets per nearby opponent, do not empty your gun on just one foe, as others may come by to pick on you at your most vulnerable time.

Ammo Pool: In your belt, you could fit 90 additional 5.56mm bullets, which should last you more than a round. However, much less than the bullets that fed the AK47. Due to the nature of the gun, players using this weapon would be prone to consuming bullets faster than those with the AK47 (The wooden gun is the slowest rifle in terms of rate of fire).

Rate of Fire: The rate of fire for the Carbine is second worst in the rifles section, in between the AK47 and the Steyr Aug. However, this small difference is enough to coax players into wasting away more ammo. Do not victimize yourself, train hard to save ammo.

Reload Time: As compared to the AK-47, its arch-nemesis, the M4A1 carbine reloads slower, perhaps around 0.5-0.8 seconds slower, which is enough for around 2-3 bullets to be shot at you, depending on the weapon your enemy is carrying. So, never reload out in the perilous open unless you have a very secure hole to hide inside.

Cost: The price of the M4A1 is hefty, costing at $3100, making it one of the more expensive assault rifles. However, it is somewhat cost effective, as the M4A1 is highly versatile, with a somewhat higher rate of fire, considerable damage, good accuracy. With, of course, a silencer thrown in for more tactical options. Though, if compared to the scoped assault rifles, the M4A1 would be cheaper.

Weight: I'm sure you would be interested in this one. The M4A1 is the second lightest rifle there is (The lightest gun would be the SG-552 Commando, not to be confused with the automatic sniper rifle), which is a feature that could be added to the list of factors contributing to cost-effectiveness. Its light weight would translate to faster speed, and is apparent when you compare your speed to when you carry an IMI Galil or AK47.

The M4A1, after my analysis of it, is highly versatile, with weaknesses that are not that hideous at all, which is, the rate of fire, and reload speed. It does considerable damage, is accurate, has a stealth-worthy feature (Silencer), is light, and has standard ammunition capacity. I would recommend this destructo-cannon to anyone. Attached below is a summary of the tactics that you would want to employ when you are deployed with this rifle:

1) At far range, feel free to fire in singles up to 2 bullets.

2) At medium-far range, feel free to fire up to 3-4 bullets at a target.

3) At medium range, I would recommend a burst of 5 bullets or slightly more to kill your opponent quickly.

4) Then, any nearer than medium range, feel free to unload 8-10 bullets per enemy. Do not fire in full automatic and waste away your ammo, especially when several fiends are converging upon you. You won't have the time to reload.

5) If you prefer a more shadowy approach, you could put on a silencer, which will muffle any sound and eliminate gun-blaze, making you much harder to detect. You could easily assassinate anyone who isn't looking. But if you do this, you would be sacrificing some accuracy and firepower. Make a wise choice. It is useless to accessorize your gun with the Silencer in the face of the enemy.

6) As the gun reloads slow, try not to reload out in the open. Switching to a pistol helps very little, as it reduces your rate of fire immensely, and your firepower (but this can be avoided with the Desert Eagle, in return of giving the devil some of your rate of fire).

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Accurate? Killer number 47

Pistols, SMGs, Shotguns... finished. The only two catergories left are Rifles and Sniper Rifles- I don't use Machine-guns. I would be shooting myself in the foot if I were to lug around one of those. But rifles? If you look at them, they are not as heavy, and neither do they lack in firepower, rate of fire whatsoever. Well, today I'm going to present to you a gun made for the 50s and 60s, yet still dots the globe in usage and... headshots. I'm sure I need not mention the name, the looks of it should set off the sparks in your mind, and your interest:

The brainchild of Kalashnikov, the brain-killer of thousands- Ak-47. In the world of Counter-strike, this piece of wood and metal is no different. I'm sure many of you are pretty much well acquainted with this rifle, both behind and in front of the elaborate barrel. But for the benefit of the new and naive, and the benefit of those who are perhaps still mystified by its power, I won't leave this out of this blog. To learn the secrets of this gun, and some weaknesses that you could take advantage of, read on...

Firepower: Despite where its age might be shooting at, the AK-47 has perhaps the highest firepower among the rifles. Through personal experience and field observation, I have seen a bullet from this gun do 20+ to 30+ damage- which means 3-4 bullets to the chest for a kill, as opposed to the normal 4-5 bullet kill of other rifles. But what made the gun popular was its ability to silence people with a single bullet in the skull. The damage level is high enough to be multiplied into a sure-kill single bullet to the head, with or without helmet. Anyone could fall prey to the lucky bullet, from downright raw recruits all the way to international experts.

Accuracy: Due to the outrageous recoil (as compared to other rifles), the accuracy of this gun would diminish rapidly with every bullet after the first 2 or 3 bullets fired, making it useless at medium to infinite range. But that disadvantage could easily be eliminated by firing in singles or triples with rests in between. While doing so, the bullets you fire would pretty much obey your sights. However, at point-blank range to medium range, you could circumvent the inaccuracy by pointing the gun below the chest, ensuring that the stray bullets from your guns would put holes in your opponent's torso and face.

Range: The range varies with how you use it. If you fire in bursts of 1 or 2 bullets, it would easily be possible to snipe out a victim at far range. But if you were to fire 3 to 5 bullets in one go, expect no results unless the the enemy is at medium. At full automatic, expect absolutely no results unless the enemy is very close to you.

Clip Size: A standard banana magazine for the AK47 would hold 30 7.62mm bullets, which would be enough to hold off an enemy charge. Try to restrict your consumption whenever you suspect an enemy plot to swarm you. As long as you fire in automatic mode in a desperate attempt to save yourself from the guy below, you would unknowingly run out of ammunition. Perhaps 6-10 bullets per nearby enemy would do fine. Retreat when you really run out of ammo. Repeat if you think you're capable and healthy enough.

Ammo Pool: You would be able to carry another 90 bullets in your pocket. More than enough to last you through a match, even a long skirmish between 20 CTs and 20 Terrorists.

Rate of Fire: The AK-47 has a relatively low rate of fire, lower than all the other rifles. This could actually be used to your advantage. The slower rate of fire means you could control better how many bullets you want to fire. Control is part of the formula to victory. But, the low rate of fire could also mean a slight disadvantage at close range whenever you want to go auto, against other rifles, as the other rifles could fire faster, especially the FAMAS, which has a dangerously high rate of fire of almost double of the AK-47.

Reload Time: Another happy feature of the AK-47 is its ability to reload fast, much faster than any other rifle as no bolts or levers would need to be pulled or pressed, pushed whatsoever. This would mean a better chance against being swarmed, as faster reload means better reaction whenever you're out of bullets. But as always, never try to reload under fire without cover.

Cost: Reputable partially due to its cheap price at $2500 (The M4A1 costs $3100 while the Steyr Aug is $3500), the AK-47 is easily affordable, and highly cost effective in terms of firepower. The cut in the price is due to the recoil perhaps.

Weight: However, the heavy nature of the gun could be a problem, as it weighs more than any other rifle, which would automatically translate to slow movement. This may make you easier to hit, so do not let your enemies catch you in the open. Jump behind a crate or a wall if you can, otherwise, stay behind to reduce your chances of getting hit.

So, in summary, the AK-47 is not very versatile, but cost effective due to its high firepower and conditionally high accuracy (For as long as you don't fire in full automatic, the accuracy would stay high), plus quick reload speed. In order to use it well, consider the following:

1) Aim for the head- a single bullet would down a person, with or without a helmet.

2) Fire in singles or doubles at far range. Anymore bullets would reduce your accuracy, making the third bullet and more useless, and you more vulnerable to enemy fire.

3)At medium range, feel free to unload 3-5 bullets. Do not fire in automatic mode as the accuracy would drop to oblivion.

4)However, you could circumvent the inaccuracy by aiming below the chest. The stray bullets will hit the torso and sometimes the head.

5) Fire automatically only at point-blank range to near range. But try to limit yourself to 7-10 bullets per person, especially when you're engaged by a group of enemies.

6) Hide behind cover, as your low speed would make you vulnerable in the open. Switching to a pistol would only make you more vulnerable via the low firepower and rate of fire.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Colossal Delay

Sorry about the lack of posts for half the month- I've been so busy these days from sun-rise to sun-set almost everyday. But soon, my schedule would be emptied of crunch-times hopefully by the end of this week. When it is over, prepare for more killing tips when I make the second coming.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Eye of Sauron

Today, I'm not going to cover the shotgun player types first, but instead, I am going to start with Snipers- as I know we are most well acquainted with them perhaps more than other types. They are basically one of the greater parts of the CSS culture. For now, I'm going to teach you how to topple them like the tower of Mordor. This is how a typical sniper would look like in the world of CSS, notice the intimidatingly large gun that fires a mini rocket:

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By the way, the above sniper was actually in action, not posing. His name is b121417, and he was guarding bombsite B. It was the perfect angle, elevation and whatever stuff that you consider in photography, so I decided to take the picture and put it up there.

For now, I'm going to tell you about Snipers in general first. Most snipers, if allowed, would rather take up the giant AWP rifle more than anything else, because it is:

1) Powerful. It kills with a shot, unless the missile hits the arm or leg. A bullet could even go through a person and kill another who is unlucky enough to be behind. Basically, the gun is almost powerful as a ballista the size of a car in the ancient ages.

2) And accurate. That is, for as long as you stand still for a certain amount of time, the bullet whizzing through the air would hit exactly where you point your reticle at.

Then, that's not all. As their sniper rifle is unfit most of the time for a close encounter of the shotgun or SMG kind, their pistol would most of the time be the Desert Eagle, which I wrote an article about before. Most likely, the lethal eagle is chosen for its firepower, though not exactly for anything else- with firepower alone, it could kill with a shot in the head, or three shots elsewhere.

Snipers have their own culture of behaviors just like the ants or the bees. In every map, you would no doubt find them hiding behind cover, like crates, walls and doors, guarding a certain choke point or area, which is open. This makes them difficult to take out, especially when your weapon is unfit for long range or your hands are unfit for aiming. So now... lets move on the the offensive snipers, the ones whom you really hate.

Offensive Snipers

Offensive Snipers can be difficult to defeat, or easy. Depending on how you approach them. Their attack pattern is simple, and exposes themselves out of cover- which is what we can take advantage of. Offensive Snipers move from cover to cover, and more often than their defensive counterpart, does not find cover.

To deal with Snipers, you would need to exploit their weakness, which is their lousy close range attack. Using an SMG, shotgun or a rifle, all you had to do is to get close to them and blast them out of the world to the next. But even that is dangerous, as many snipers are nimble enough to aim while you're approaching and shoot you down. You would need to be evasive, by strafing and maybe jumping if you must, while you approach.

Also, while they are moving out in the open or down a corridor, you could try to ambush them if you are close enough, or by gunning them down with a rifle if you're a bit further. Do not forget to evade their bullets, unless you are stabbing them in the back.

These are pretty much the tips on how to deal with Offensive Snipers. Let's just move on to the Defensive ones...

Defensive Snipers

The difference between an offensive and a defensive sniper is mainly their tactic, not weapon or skill, as I obviously point out in the last post.

A defensive sniper is more of an Eye of Sauron than the Offensive, usually staying at one spot, guarding the area for a long while. They rarely move away from their hunting grounds, so the tactic I gave you above cannot be applied often against them.

One of the prevalent ways of dealing with Defensive Snipers would be to find alternative routes towards their back, which hopefully they forgot to cover or ignored. It works better if your friends are keeping the sniper busy while you sneak your way behind him. This is the only tactic that you could use specifically against a Defensive Sniper. For common tactics, look down.

Common Tactics

To deal with a player effectively, you need to exploit their weakness, and eliminate their strength. I'm sure Sun Tzu gurus would find this familiar. Here are several ways you could do this:

1) Use flashbangs to blind them so that you can charge towards their hiding place and shoot them.

2) Use smoke grenades block their view so that you could escape or charge at them.

3) Hide behind cover to reduce your chance of behind blown away. Shoot from your hole if you dare, but it is risky.

4) Or... use a sniper rifle to take them out in a match of skills. At the very least, you have eliminated your weakness and thrown the only two strength they have against you out of the window, which is range and firepower.

Well, that's pretty much everything I have for you. Hopefully, it would be useful against those pesky little missile-shooting flies. Max Payne out.

Player Catergories

After several days of thoughts, I've decided that I can't catergorize players according to a single list of stereotypes. It is possible, but heck no, it is impractical. I've chosen to define players by two categories for you to mix and match. I've seen how in Counter-strike Source, players would fight, and I think I can make some science out of it.

Players can be catergorized according to:

1) Weapon Specialization

2) Tactical Specialization

For the weapons area, it gets easy. Basically the same as the weapon types in the world of CSS:

1) Shotgun

2) SMG

3) Rifle

4) Sniper Rifle

5) Machine Gun

Pistols however, aren't counted, as pistols could be found on anyone, and no one or rather, very few one-in-a-million souls uses pistols as the primary while their heavier guns as the secondary. I'm not one of them, either. I don't favor the smaller over the bigger ones, I use them at the best times.

As for the Tactical Specialization, it is slightly much more difficult to define. But so far, I was able to seperate players into two catergories:

1) Offensive

2) Defensive

I know it is pretty much a child's drawing, but bear with me. I might improve the tactics part, make it a Picasso's artpiece. Just not now. Anyway, here is how things will continue- I will write an article based on one Weapon Specialization, all the inside stuff on how to ward off a player with the following weapon preference, and other useful tips for you to bring home and play with. But for each article, I will feature both the Offensive and the Defensive counterpart of the Weapon Specialty like a pair of bullets from a dual beretta.

Stay tuned, one might just appear the next day or the day after tomorrow. Just let me gather my guns for a few experiments.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Back to the map

So far, I've been posting articles on murder weapons and every single detail about them, accompanied with articles based on other aspects of counter-strike. So far, these are the things I've been posting, but now, I'm going to throw in another new breed of articles about counter-strike: Player Types. In addition of course, to the tactics and strategies, details whatsoever, anything under the sun and moon relating to Counter-strike player types.

But of course, expect tips about using firearms still, because I'm not done showcasing my shelf of guns. I'm much more sophisticated than that.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Point-blank mutilator

Ever since I've started this blog, I've revealed my secrets in the use of handguns and Submachine guns- I hope they were useful for you to mow down 3 at once. Today, I'm moving on to one of perhaps the most brutal weapons, that is, if used correctly- I'm moving on to the Shotguns section. But in CSS, so far I've only tried one shotgun, the M3 Super 90, aka the 'Shotty'. The weapon by itself is an old design, but is still immensely effective. Here is a good picture of a standard issue M3:

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Shotguns date back to the 19th century, used with success by generations upon generations of America's army, from the civil war, to World War 1, 2 up till today. Its existence nowadays is testament of its usefulness. In real life, the shotgun, respecially the modern varieties, are highly versatile, able to fire not just slugs, but also bean bags, rubber shells, Sabot shells. Plenty of flavors for the person or thing at the receiving end of the barrel. But in Counter-strike Source, this is not reflected- but just as well. A normal shell is way better than a Sabot- it splits into pieces, and could easily split a head. Despite the slow rate of fire, I have made one of my favorite weapons. Written below are my reasons for it:

Firepower: The shotgun is an interesting one. The amount of damage done is dependent on so many factors, and fluctuates much more than any other guns. It could vary according to where you shot your enemy, how far you are from the target, and how many pellets went into him (which is linked to the first two factors), and very much on the target's armor. The shotgun, for every shell, would release around ten pellets, and each pellet pretty much does as much damage as a 9mm bullet from a glock. I've seen how it works numerous times, and if every pellet hits, it could do around 86-90+ damage with Armor without hitting the head.

The shotgun works very well against flesh, but not metal and kevlar. By wearing an armor, the damage done would be reduced significantly, though I have seen how ineffective a helmet is against a shotgun pellet- for some strange reason. Even from far, without a vest and helmet, a guy could die easily from a shotgun blast, partly because the pellets loves tucking themselves into heads.

Accuracy: In the Counter-strike context, a Shotgun can be said to be highly accurate. It is difficult to miss with a shotgun at point-blank to medium range, due to the number of pellets that would mean a hit even if your sight is not aligned with your enemy. But that's only half of it- unlike most if not all the guns, the M3 Super 90 is perhaps the only gun that works very well while you're jumping. The accuracy drops very much if not none at all whenever you jump. This has lead to many Super Marios jumping around while shooting. At far range however, it would be difficult to hurt, much much less to kill with a shotgun like this, unless the enemy happens to be limping away from a rocket explosion.

It is useless to aim for the head with the Shotgun at medium and far range. The pellets does not go where you were aiming at- you could only rely on chance to do it for you. However, it is easy to shoot a head at close range.

Range: Due to the nature of its spread, the Shotgun is best used from point-blank range to medium range. Shooting from afar is to be shunned- unless you wanted to die a hero. At close range, a pellet could easily hit a head, so chances are, you could kill with one shot easily, provided that you aim in the right direction.

Clip Size: The shotgun could hold 8 shells at one time, which is enough for you to survive, what with the ability to slot in single shells now and then.

Ammo Pool: 32 spare shells comes with the gun, which would be loaded with 8 shells, making up a total of 40 shells. 32 spares is more than enough to keep you shooting, and so far, there are no pistols that uses shotgun shells, so you don't even have to look at the spare ammo count.

Rate of fire: THe M3 shotgun has the worst rate of fire ever due to the pump time. After the first shot, the shotgun could barely fire a shell within a second, maybe 0.9 or 0.8 seconds. A useful tactic would be to hide everytime you need to pump the gun, then go out, shoot and hide again. Jump behind a wall or box if you have to. But if you can't hide, then strafe, jump and do whatever it takes to avoid the stinging of the bullet.

Reload Time: The reloading period however, is appalling. It would take around 5 or 6 seconds to load 8 shells. However, on the bright side, there is rarely the need for that. More often, you would only need to put in several shells at one time, reducing the reloading period immensely. Then, to make the day brighter, while reloading, you could stop quickly and fire the gun when needed, without reloading the shotgun to full.

Cost: This shotgun costs a mere $1700, which is affordable. Highly cost effective if you could bring the situation to your favor by staying within small rooms, alleys. Places where the shotgun would work well.

Weight: The shotgun is extremely heavy, slightly more so than the M4A1 rifle. You would slow down unfortunately, and evasion, jumping would be harder, making you a good target practice if you're out in the open.

The shotgun to me, is a good weapon for quick kills and collateral damage- good for whittling down large groups as well. But this gun is not for those who discharges quantity, but shoots quality bullets, much like a Sniper, but at close range. It is highly conditional, if you're looking to win with this gun. Just follow these tips if you want to stay above and not below:

1) Aim for the head at close range- it doesn't even have to be directly aligned with the head. The spread would naturally pop a few pellets there if you aim the neck or the chest if he is far enought.

2) At medium range, it would be useless to aim for the head. Just pump all you can into his chest. The pellets would slap him in the cheeks sooner or later. The aim is to get as many pellets as possible into your enemy, with headshots as bonuses instead of an obligation.

3) Forget about using the shotgun at far range, unless your target is unarmored- though it would still be risky.

4) The shotgun is best against unarmored targets. It would be an instant kill if most of the pellets entered a person regardless of whether there are any headshots.

5) To survive longer, you could always hide whenever you fired a shell, and go back out again to fire another. Many could not react fast enough, and you would have made the shotguns' slow rate of fire negligible.

6) You could jump and shoot if you want, if there are any high walls short enough for you to peek over. This could also work as an evasion technique.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Human Benchmark

So I've been floating around the internet recently, just looking for interesting articles to read, when I happened on a rather interesting website that, while unrelated to Counter-strike, will form the foundations of the entry I'm writing now. Here's the site:

As you know, in Counter-strike Source, one of the main reasons why people win is due to their fast finger. Take for example two equally accurate snipers who uses AWPs. The faster one would definitely win, assuming that they will hit with their first bullet. I'm sure many of you have encountered that kind of a situation before, as plenty of people like using AWPs.

Lets just say the website I found contains a table of statistics that could help you to see where you stand, and how fast most of the players would be. First, why not let's take the test and judge your worth:

Then, take a good look at the bar chart to see where you stand:

As for me, I found my reaction time is around 180. So if you take a look at the chart, that means safe to say I've won more than 60% of the population. So here's the catch: If you could train your reflexes to 180 milliseconds or lower, you would have beaten most players, and that is a huge bonus if you fought with them.

If you reaction time is 0.17 seconds or below consistently, then congrats, you must be a professional, or rather a pro material player.

But then again, this doesn't reflect how it's like in Counter-strike. There are many other reasons contributing to reaction time. Like, the time needed to identify a person as friend or foe, or if the person have warmed up yet. In other words, to really excel in the brutal world of CSS, you must learn how to identify enemies quickly also, among other things. And don't drink coffee! It will slow you down!

Monday, March 19, 2007

The hybrid

Sorry about the delay in the next post, I was just busy with my work- there's always some catching up to do as long as you're breathing and eating. Anyway, without further ado, let's move on to the next weapon. A weapon that I would personally recommend for most combat situations. Behind curtain number 4, buddy, would be the H&K MP5, arguably one of the most versatile guns in the world of Counter-strike. Here is a picture of a standard-issure MP5 submachinegun. Enjoy the look of it before we move on to the words:

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Now you may or may not know this, but the MP5 is a notorious weapon famous, or rather infamous for its abilities which allow consistent headshots as long as you were pointing in the right direction. But you had to ask yourself- why? How on Counter-Strike Source does it complete such a feat? Written below is the bible for this gun- your answers to the many questions as to why this mysterious killer weapon is so deadly. Now pay attention as I review every single aspect of the MP5

Firepower: The MP5 has a decent stopping power, a step up from the Mac10 ingram and the TMP, but still much less than that of the rifle. From my field observations, the damage should be around 14-17 per round, unless the bullet happens to smack a guy in the brains (which would happen really often- more on than later). A shot to the head would do more or less 40 damage. I'm not sure about the range of headshot damage. But chances are, only 3 headshots would drop a guy permanently. But hopefully, 2 would be enough- for this, I cannot be sure. I need to experiment a little more. But you could put your faith on that one if you want.

Accuracy: The MP5 has an A grade to its accuracy- a rarity among SMGs. The first 5 bullets are highly accurate, and could do headshots easily provided that you aim straight for the head. But wait, there's more catch to this gun. For the other 25 bullets, the accuracy does not drop very much. Which means, you could sustain your fire without stopping at all without worrying that all your bullets would fly over your enemy's head instead of into his head and chest. Much of the accuracy is due to the low recoil, which does not lift your aim higher by much, if not none at all.

Range: Due to its accuracy, the MP5's range could be anywhere between point-blank to far. You could use it in any situation, but still, I would not recommend using it at far range- its damage is far too low to challenge those with rifles and sniper rifles. While they would only need 4 chest shots to kill you, you would need almost double of that. Now that would not be advantageous to your side. My suggestion to you at medium-far to far range would be to fire in bursts. That would improve your accuracy from good to extremely good.

Clip Size: The MP5 holds 30 rounds. Enough for you to kill around 3-4 enemies within a clip, 5 if you're good enough. Much more if you can pull off consistent headshots. Panick and you won't even kill 3 before you empty your magazine.

Ammo Pool: This SMG uses 9mm bullets. That would mean 120 bullets in your supply pool dedicated to your MP5. You won't have to worry about this. It can last you more than a round.

Rate of fire: Only a little less than the Mac10 and TMP- this thing fires faster than most rifles. Coupled with its accuracy, you could take out enemies before they can react to you.

Reload Time: Relatively fast, if not only a tiny bit slower than the Mac10, and somewhat slower than the TMP. The difference is negligible- you can fend off a group without reloading if you're good enough.

Cost: Unless I'm from 20 years ago, this murder weapon should be around $1500- only $100 more expensive than the Mac10. Yet, it has much more advantages over the Mac10. Buying the MP5 is cost effective due to its versatility.

Weight: The MP5 is the heaviest SMG. You would be slower than those who carries a pistol or other submachine guns, but this is negligible. The difference is almost nothing. You could still dive in and out of the fray quickly. As you could move fast, you could dodge bullets better- use this to your advantage.

In essence, the MP5 is like a hybrid of the rifle and the SMG. Merging the aspects of both weapon classes into a gun. While it is accurate like a rifle, it has a faster rate of fire as well, despite the cheap cost. This formula was so effective that a raw recruit could easily overwhelm a veteran with this weapon. With little training, a raw recruit could easily turn the tables of war to his side. Below are the pointers that need to be followed, if you wanted to make it out alive with this SMG:

1)At point-blank to near range, always aim for the head- the MP5 is accurate and fires quickly. It is only a matter of the direction you're pointing that would make the difference. If done well, the enemy would not be able to react at all.

2) At medium range, you could sustain fire without stopping preferably aiming at the chest region. Do this to kill quickly without expending too much energy aiming. Headshots would automatically come. However, you could try to hit the head if you're up to it. The MP5 is after all, accurate enough.

3) At medium-far range, fire in bursts. The MP5 may be accurate, but not enough for a full-magazine burst at far range.

4) Never engage an enemy with heavier weapons from afar. The odds are against you.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Little Mac

During the last few weeks, I've covered the two pistols that I would normally during my time in Counterstrike, the Desert Eagle for some extra punch and the Twin Berettas that fits my style of finesse and agility. Now, I'm gonna show you some of the more heavier weapons that I would hide under my coat. Though, behind curtain number 3, the weapon I'm gonna showcase today isn't going to be significantly heavier than pistols. Today, I present to you... The Mac 10. Below is a picture of it. Behold the simple design:

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The Mac 10 is usually regarded as a favorite of Gangsters and Drug Runners, being small, yet able to spit out bullets faster than many rifles. But the downside of it makes the Mac 10 a rather limited gun, and would force you into certain strategies that you may or may not normally use. The Mac 10 is regarded as a favorite of Gangsters and Drug Runners- and when you hold it, you may act like one too. When you hold it, you would start to mug people only when they come close or when they were alone. You would also tend to sneak around more often around as if you had a hundred pounds of Marijuana with you. Find out why as I review every single aspect of this gun:

Firepower: This handy SMG is poor on the Firepower side. From my experience of using this, it takes about 6 to 8 bullets to kill a guy, assuming that none of the bullets happen to give him a slap in the forehead. Each bullet should do about 12 damage on average, though I've seen bullets that did 8 to 9 damage only. A shot to a protected head should do about 30 to 40+ damage, which means it would take at least 3 shots to the head to kill a guy, unless you pop out from afar and snipe him with it, which I doubt you would do with this kind of a gun.

Accuracy: Accuracy is lacking in this machine pistol, and that is an understatement. For as soon as you hold down the mouse button, the weapon will kick up (meaning much of your hard-earned money would inevitably fly over your enemy's head)- that is not to say the recoil is great, but maybe the gun is too light and shoots too fast for its own good. The bullet spread is also very wide, making it unwieldy to shoot enemies from afar. With these two downsides, I'd say the Mac 10's accuracy is one of the worst in the game. Never use this gun at far range. Neither is it very effective at medium range. But at close range and point blank range, the inaccuracy is tolerable, and it even gives away free headshots if you aim below the neck.

Range: Due to the horrendous accuracy and how fast the accuracy drops, I'd say the gun should never be used at far range unless you left your sniper rifle and pistol at home, and your enemy is crawling on the ground, near death. And I am not exaggerating, pal. At medium range, the situation improves slightly- you might land a few bullets to a person, just take care not to callously spray away all the bullets in your magazine at one go. Fire in controlled bursts at medium range. Now, it is only at close range that you start spraying away. If you aim at the chest however, some bullets might hit your foe at the shoulders and stomach- but if you're lucky, some may even hit him in the face.

Clip Size: The Mac 10 holds 30 bullets maximum, but they disappear very quickly due to its rate of fire, and the inaccuracy it possesses that would frustrate you into gambling more bullets than you would normally do. It holds the same number of bullets as the Twin Berettas, but it empties these same bullets at ten times the speed.

Ammo Pool: The Mac 10 uses .45 ACP bullets, the same food that the CT's starting pistol, the USP uses. This would mean an ammo pool of 100 bullets for the Mac 10, not counting the 30 already in the gun. So, it has 20 less extra bullets than the MP5 and the TMP, both SMGs which I can say are better than the Mac 10. This means that this gun has a higher chance of running out of ammo.

Rate of fire: The Mac 10 can spit bullets very fast- it does not go along well with its inaccuracy. During my experience, it took half a clip to finish off one person at close range. The rate of fire is good, one of the best of the SMGs, but too fast for its own good.

Reload Time: This handy pistol can reload relatively fast, but not fast enough to be a strength. This one isn't known for its reload speed. The TMP reloads faster, and yet is better.

Cost: The price for this... thing is just as appalling as its Accuracy. It costs $1400, just $100 less than the MP5, which is better in many respects. Hence, unfortunately, the Mac10 is not very cost effective.

Weight: The Mac10 is light. You could travel fast with it. But this does not even make up for all the problems it gives you, not by a bit at all.

The Mac10 has many problems- such as poor firepower, poor accuracy, poor range and sub-standard ammunition pool, in return for a fast rate of fire and relatively fast reload time. Unfortunately, its strength is rather limited, making the gun fit only for certain specific uses. Most people would want versatile guns, such as the MP5 and the M4A1. The Mac10 doesn't make the cut, which is why you can never really find it in use anywhere. But that is not to say it is completely useless. If you could exploit its strength, then it would be much more effective. Half the battle may be won with equipment, but the other half is won by skills and knowledge. Yes, it is possible to kill 3 persons in a row with this little terror. I've killed 6 before with just this machine pistol, with little assistance from the Twin Berettas. You just have to catch your enemies in a situation favoring you. To do well with this, you just have to follow these tips:

1) Never use the Mac10 at far range- you can never make a kill unless you are fighting against a near-dead guy. At medium range, use this gun sparingly- switch to your pistol.

2) Spray at close range and point-blank range- this is where you could exploit its rate of fire and eliminate partially its accuracy problem. A headshot is possible, but never try to shoot your enemies in the head- the recoil will do it for you.

3) The Mac10 is poorly suited against swarming, so fall back everytime you make a kill and reload. The maximum kills within 30 bullets with this is barely 2. At close range. So it is unavoidable that you have to do this. You could however, switch to your pistol if you want when you're out, but that would only give the enemy ample time to gun you down when you're vulnerable.

The bottomline is... yes, this gun is not the best, but if you're smart, you could do well with it. Real skill and intelligence is when you could win no matter how bad the situation is, basically by exploiting its strength and foregoing its weaknesses- this gun is one real good way to prove it.

Monday, March 5, 2007


Recently, I found a comedy video that teaches new players how to behave in the world of Counter-strike. A rather interesting piece of video, check it out, only 11 minutes and 43 seconds long:

In the process, it kinda gives you a general impression of the culture of Counter-strike. Unfortunately, most of what was said inside is true.

To me, there's nothing wrong with camping, or in standard English, guarding a certain area, especially when it is part of your objective, such as to prevent the hostages from being herded to the safe zone, or to prevent Terrorists from bombing yet another site. The only thing wrong was how whiny those supposedly 'l33t' (l33t talk for Elite) players are. When a problem crops up, we deal with it. As people who survived babyhood and childhood, we should know better than to cry when our candy is taken. Got a guy guarding a tunnel? No problem, just send him an explosive gift of flashbangs with a frag grenade as a topping before swarming at him. Its way better than to cry on the floor and wait for money to drop from the sky.

Camping to me, is just another way of dealing with your foes. Its just one way out of a few possible solutions to the equation needed to kill a player. Deal with it people!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The twin menace

And in door number 2... we have the Dual 96G Elite Berettas, otherwise known as the 'dualies' on the streets of Counter-strike Source. Before the 25% increase in damage for some of the pistols, like any other pistols, the twin Berettas was unpopular, covered by the shadow of the hunting Eagle (if you didn't catch what I mean, I meant the Desert Eagle). But now, with the 25% increase in damage, this pair of destruction manifested saw increased use, and some players even depended on it, like myself (though I depended on it even before the increase). Plastered below is a picture of the weapons as it is in the game. For a bigger view so that you could gawk at the design, click on the picture itself:

Alright, so, from my experience, the Twin Berettas is best used for extended gunfights, as it has the highest ammunition capacity out there (30 to be precise), so there is no need to reload too often, unless you're the polar opposite of a marksman. The rate of fire is respectable just as well- such that the number of bullets fired within a certain time-span is determined largely by how fast your finger is. So, this weapon is for the cowboys who wanted to unload plenty in a short time without stopping. Now that I've introduced the twins, I'll review every single aspect of them. Here goes.

Firepower: The Twin Berettas are not known for their firepower. Even with the 25% increase, the damage is only around 14-15 on average. A headshot would guarantee you around 40-50 damage, which would mean a minimum of 3 shots to the head to pop a guy out of the league, regardless of whether he is wearing a helmet or not, unless you're sniping with these guns from afar. This lack of considerable firepower would mean that it is best to unload as much bullets as possible, but of course not without trying to get a bullet or two into somebody's head, which would save yourself some time.

Accuracy: Well, so you're holding two guns, and you're not exactly aiming through the sights. What does that mean? Reduced accuracy. It applies to the twin berettas, as it is basically a two weapons held using two hands. The accuracy is not the best, but good enough for short to medium ranged combat. In fact, shooting at medium range is no problem at all. Avoid sniping with the twin Berettas- unless you have an Aim-bot to do the aiming for you. For medium range, fire in bursts of two- so far that is the best method I could come up with. At a shorter range, feel free to fire as quickly as you can.

Range: Short to medium range. As it is not too accurate, the twin Berettas are not good for long-ranged combat. But, like any other pistols, you shouldn't get too close to a guy with an automatic weapon. When it comes to that, it boils down to rate of fire, and pistols are semi-automatic.

Clip Size: With a pool of 30 bullets between the two pistols, you could kill two or more persons without ever reloading. Coupled with a larger gun, there is even less need to reload. Therefore, the Twin Beretta is for extended gunfights. With this pair of guns, you could react better to being swarmed.

Ammo Pool: The Twin Berettas uses 9mm bullets- which means, not counting those already in the guns, you would have a spare 120 bullets juggling in your pockets. However, the twins are fed with a form of ammunition that is used by other guns, so make a wise combination of weapons. But that is not to say that you can't put your twin Berettas with the MP5. A round rarely lasts long enough for you to exhaust all your ammo.

Rate of fire: As pistols, the twins are semi-automatic. But these pair of Berettas are some of the more nimble pistols, with a rate of fire that could get as fast as you could click, though it is debatable that the rate of fire is less than that of the 9x19mm Glock.

Reload Time: To reload the twin Berettas would take the longest time of all the other pistols. This makes it suicide to do it while under fire or when you're being swarmed. Conserve your ammo unless you want to be minced meat for your buddies on the other side and a crop for the guy downstairs.

Cost: $800. That is just how much it costs, only $150 more than the Desert Eagle. So this should not affect your choice of pistols, unless you're seriously short on money.

Weight: The Twin Berettas, as most pistols are, are almost weightless. You could easily run into the fray like a preying Lion or run out of the fray like a whipped dog with this pair of destruction-in-a-tubes.

The Twin Berettas should be a logical choice for those who expect to be swarmed, or preferred unloading quantity bullets with moderate quality instead of just quality bullets, as in the case of the Desert Eagle I showcased about two weeks ago. With the 25% increase, expect them to be much more effective, and this effectiveness could be multiplied at least by 4 when their bullet happens to dig into somebody's head. Before I leave, I'll give you a few recaps on what to do with the twins:

1) At point-blank to near range, feel free to unload your bullets at a person as quick as possible, but don't forget to:

2) Shoot the head at least once or twice so that you could kill a person faster and move on to the next one queuing up behind him. But don't concentrate on the head and head only- the twin berettas' accuracy drops fairly quickly.

3) At mid range, do not exhaust your rounds as quick as possible. Fire in bursts of two to four rounds.

4) Forget about sniping a person from afar with this. It is far too inaccurate, and the damage too trivial. But if you want to die a noble death, try shooting a person from afar and rush him at the same time.

So go forth and unleash hell... Goodbye and have fun.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Test results

As usual, I have been shooting and killing all this while, whenever I have the time to do so. Well, I won't bother you with too much speech. I'll just show you how I did so far:

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As you can see, my performance dipped to near-average (Kill-death rate 1 is average) somewhere in the middle. It was due to wrist injury, I swear to you. There are also no editing whatsoever involved. As a result of that, my fingers were weak because of my damaged Tendons, so it was harder for me to shoot. But I returned with a vengeance after that, becoming the most valuable team member time and again. So that's it for now. One or two days later, I'll write an entry about using my favorite weapon of all, the twin Berettas. I will teach you everything I know about it.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Lethal Eagle

As promised before, I will start discussing tactics in Counter-strike. In door number 1, I'm going to talk about the gun that everyone talks about... the gun that everyone uses... and a gun that everyone was killed with. Today, I will share with you the Mark XIX Desert Eagle, aka: 'Deagle'. Here's the gun as it is in the world of Counter-strike. Note the size of this buster:

The Desert Eagle is the one and only widely used pistol in the game, most likely due to its high firepower- which would mutilate any unlucky fellow who was shot by it. As it is widely used, my guess would be that the small clip size, average accuracy and slow rate of fire does not matter- its firepower is its main source of power and popularity. Now that I have introduced this weapon of mass destruction, lets get down to review every single detail about this one.

Firepower: The Desert Eagle packs a huge punch- being able to kill a person in just three shots, assuming that none of those meteors land on the victim's head. Each bullet, as I have witnessed, could deal any damage between 30-40, maybe a maximum of 45, which is higher even than a single rifle bullet. One bullet in the head from this bird, and the person at the receiving end will die- as the damage received would range anywhere between 105-125.

Accuracy: The Desert Eagle is quite accurate, but other pistols are more accurate- such as the glock or the USP. However, the Desert Eagle could still be used at medium range, if you are up to it...

Range: The Desert Eagle is best used at short to medium range. Not too close or anyone with an automatic weapon would murder you. Not too far, or anyone with a more accurate weapon would snipe you out.

Clip Size: One weak aspect of the Desert Eagle would be its clip size- which is only 7. One clip could hold nothing but just 7 bullets. This would mean that the Desert Eagle would need to be reload frequently, and should not be used continuously when you are being swarmed at close range.

Ammo pool: The Desert Eagle is fed with .50 bullets, which is an ammunition type unused by other guns in the game- so feel free to knock yourself out with mixing and matching your arsenal. However, the bad side is that it only allows for 35 bullets to be stored in your pockets, not counting the bullets already in your gun. So inaccurate but enduring people would find their ammunition supply dwindling.

Rate of fire: The pistol is semi-automatic, like all the other pistols. But the Desert Eagle is unresponsive to your clicking, which means it fires slower than other pistols. While other pistols have rate of fires that are determined only by how fast you could click your mouse, the Desert Eagle is slow, whether or not you can click like Flash or not.

Reload time: The Desert Eagle reloads relatively quickly, slightly faster than some of the pistols, but reloading a gun while under enemy fire should never be attempted (when you are in the open, unprotected)- especially when the enemy has an automatic weapon.

Cost: The Desert Eagle is worth 650 green papers, which is quite cheap for the meteors it spew out. I was able to kill 3 men with rifles with just a Desert Eagle- which proves just how cost effective it is.

Weight: This pistol is the heaviest of its lot- your speed would be slightly reduced as compared to other pistols. However, to my opinion, it would be negligible.

Alright, so that's all there is for the weapon's statistics. Anyway, the Desert Eagle used to be the only choice if you want a useful sidearm (though I do used plenty of the other pistols- just that others does not). But now, with an improvement of 25% to the damage that all the pistols other than the starting pistols do, the other pistols have become much more useful indeed- to my joy... (You'll discover someday why I am happy with the extra 25%)

To round everything up, here are some last tips/recaps for you to pay heed to when using the Desert Eagle:

1) Aim for the head- the Mark XIX Desert Eagle kills within a shot if you managed to make the shot.

2) Fire in singles or in bursts of two bullets. The Desert Eagle has only 7 bullets in a clip.

3) But at point blank range, which is around 1m-5m, feel free to fire in bursts of three bullets. Make sure that every shot count. This would normally kill an enemy even if you don't make a headshot.

Well, so that's all- get killing and have fun. Max Payne signing out.

Friday, February 2, 2007

The eternal war

For these few days I have been doing the same thing- putting bullets into certain unlucky heads, defusing or planting bombs, rushing into rooms with a grenade in hand... and putting more bullets into more unlucky heads. Sometimes, I do admit it could be mundane at times- dying in the same place, killing the same guy over and over again. But hey, sometimes, it's worth it. There were some funny moments. Such as when a guy decided to stick himself onto a ledge with super-glue or duct-tape. I don't care, name your sticky-stuff:

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But then it is not the 'guy-stuck-on-the-ledge' thing that I am shooting for. Counter-strike Source is simply fun- the challenges you had to face around every corner, where anything from a sniper to a guy with a mean machine gun could jump at you. The trials and tribulations were enjoyable. In fact, there was this once when I was shot in the leg at the very start- in the end, I managed to crawl my way through the entire round, and live to fight another round over again- several minutes later:

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It was all worth it really. Sure, sometimes you die without justice and sometimes you live after getting shot in the leg by a sniper without killing the said sniper, but when you really do well, I promise you satisfaction, like my good buddy friend over here (Top right corner, the CT who looked like he's dying to end the round), who survived an epic battle between good and evil:

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I'm sure he'll get promoted to a captain... or if he's already a captain, lieutenant. Whatever. Anyway, let's talk about what I'm going to do in the near future. So far, I've been thinking of introducing some of the weapons that I commonly use, to discuss about how to use them, when to use them, and where to use them- among other things. Stay tuned for the article. Max Payne out.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Alright, so cool. I've set up a new blog- a rather mundane one at first glance. But what the hell- it is the contents that matters right? Its no different with guns- without the contents, namely the bullets, it would never be useful- unless you have a death wish.

So, to break the ice, I go by the name 'Max Payne' (Copyright and Trademark not owned by me, so please keep your attorneys to yourself...) in Counter-Strike Source. So, to fit the scene, you can call me that too here, in my humble domain.

In this little blog of mine, I would be talking about all things Counter-Strike Source, including tactics, weapons, updates on the game- anything under the sun relating to Counter-Strike Source. But expect plenty from me about tactics, weapon preference, whatsoever relating to combat in that world.