Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Alright, so cool. I've set up a new blog- a rather mundane one at first glance. But what the hell- it is the contents that matters right? Its no different with guns- without the contents, namely the bullets, it would never be useful- unless you have a death wish.

So, to break the ice, I go by the name 'Max Payne' (Copyright and Trademark not owned by me, so please keep your attorneys to yourself...) in Counter-Strike Source. So, to fit the scene, you can call me that too here, in my humble domain.

In this little blog of mine, I would be talking about all things Counter-Strike Source, including tactics, weapons, updates on the game- anything under the sun relating to Counter-Strike Source. But expect plenty from me about tactics, weapon preference, whatsoever relating to combat in that world.

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