Monday, March 5, 2007


Recently, I found a comedy video that teaches new players how to behave in the world of Counter-strike. A rather interesting piece of video, check it out, only 11 minutes and 43 seconds long:

In the process, it kinda gives you a general impression of the culture of Counter-strike. Unfortunately, most of what was said inside is true.

To me, there's nothing wrong with camping, or in standard English, guarding a certain area, especially when it is part of your objective, such as to prevent the hostages from being herded to the safe zone, or to prevent Terrorists from bombing yet another site. The only thing wrong was how whiny those supposedly 'l33t' (l33t talk for Elite) players are. When a problem crops up, we deal with it. As people who survived babyhood and childhood, we should know better than to cry when our candy is taken. Got a guy guarding a tunnel? No problem, just send him an explosive gift of flashbangs with a frag grenade as a topping before swarming at him. Its way better than to cry on the floor and wait for money to drop from the sky.

Camping to me, is just another way of dealing with your foes. Its just one way out of a few possible solutions to the equation needed to kill a player. Deal with it people!

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