Friday, April 6, 2007

Eye of Sauron

Today, I'm not going to cover the shotgun player types first, but instead, I am going to start with Snipers- as I know we are most well acquainted with them perhaps more than other types. They are basically one of the greater parts of the CSS culture. For now, I'm going to teach you how to topple them like the tower of Mordor. This is how a typical sniper would look like in the world of CSS, notice the intimidatingly large gun that fires a mini rocket:

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By the way, the above sniper was actually in action, not posing. His name is b121417, and he was guarding bombsite B. It was the perfect angle, elevation and whatever stuff that you consider in photography, so I decided to take the picture and put it up there.

For now, I'm going to tell you about Snipers in general first. Most snipers, if allowed, would rather take up the giant AWP rifle more than anything else, because it is:

1) Powerful. It kills with a shot, unless the missile hits the arm or leg. A bullet could even go through a person and kill another who is unlucky enough to be behind. Basically, the gun is almost powerful as a ballista the size of a car in the ancient ages.

2) And accurate. That is, for as long as you stand still for a certain amount of time, the bullet whizzing through the air would hit exactly where you point your reticle at.

Then, that's not all. As their sniper rifle is unfit most of the time for a close encounter of the shotgun or SMG kind, their pistol would most of the time be the Desert Eagle, which I wrote an article about before. Most likely, the lethal eagle is chosen for its firepower, though not exactly for anything else- with firepower alone, it could kill with a shot in the head, or three shots elsewhere.

Snipers have their own culture of behaviors just like the ants or the bees. In every map, you would no doubt find them hiding behind cover, like crates, walls and doors, guarding a certain choke point or area, which is open. This makes them difficult to take out, especially when your weapon is unfit for long range or your hands are unfit for aiming. So now... lets move on the the offensive snipers, the ones whom you really hate.

Offensive Snipers

Offensive Snipers can be difficult to defeat, or easy. Depending on how you approach them. Their attack pattern is simple, and exposes themselves out of cover- which is what we can take advantage of. Offensive Snipers move from cover to cover, and more often than their defensive counterpart, does not find cover.

To deal with Snipers, you would need to exploit their weakness, which is their lousy close range attack. Using an SMG, shotgun or a rifle, all you had to do is to get close to them and blast them out of the world to the next. But even that is dangerous, as many snipers are nimble enough to aim while you're approaching and shoot you down. You would need to be evasive, by strafing and maybe jumping if you must, while you approach.

Also, while they are moving out in the open or down a corridor, you could try to ambush them if you are close enough, or by gunning them down with a rifle if you're a bit further. Do not forget to evade their bullets, unless you are stabbing them in the back.

These are pretty much the tips on how to deal with Offensive Snipers. Let's just move on to the Defensive ones...

Defensive Snipers

The difference between an offensive and a defensive sniper is mainly their tactic, not weapon or skill, as I obviously point out in the last post.

A defensive sniper is more of an Eye of Sauron than the Offensive, usually staying at one spot, guarding the area for a long while. They rarely move away from their hunting grounds, so the tactic I gave you above cannot be applied often against them.

One of the prevalent ways of dealing with Defensive Snipers would be to find alternative routes towards their back, which hopefully they forgot to cover or ignored. It works better if your friends are keeping the sniper busy while you sneak your way behind him. This is the only tactic that you could use specifically against a Defensive Sniper. For common tactics, look down.

Common Tactics

To deal with a player effectively, you need to exploit their weakness, and eliminate their strength. I'm sure Sun Tzu gurus would find this familiar. Here are several ways you could do this:

1) Use flashbangs to blind them so that you can charge towards their hiding place and shoot them.

2) Use smoke grenades block their view so that you could escape or charge at them.

3) Hide behind cover to reduce your chance of behind blown away. Shoot from your hole if you dare, but it is risky.

4) Or... use a sniper rifle to take them out in a match of skills. At the very least, you have eliminated your weakness and thrown the only two strength they have against you out of the window, which is range and firepower.

Well, that's pretty much everything I have for you. Hopefully, it would be useful against those pesky little missile-shooting flies. Max Payne out.

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